Ulthwe wraithguard awaken realms
Ulthwe wraithguard awaken realms

If the Space Marines are an army of generalists, the Craftworlders are an army of extreme specialists-their Aspect Warriors excel at a particular battlefield role, but need to fulfill that role in order to be useful. However, these alliances of convenience should not be interpreted as benevolence - the Eldar consider themselves far above the lowly " mon'keigh", and have just as often waged war against humans, or used them as expendable pawns in schemes that trade billions of human lives to save a handful of Eldar. On many occasions Craftworlders have unexpectedly fought alongside the Imperium of Man against common enemies such as Orks, the Necrons, or Chaos. As such, these Aeldari are among those most commonly encountered by other races. The craftworlds are also thought to hold and sustain the majority of the Aeldari population, as well as the remnants of their pre-Fall culture and industry. The Asuryani are guided by prescient Farseers, who read the skein of fate and manipulate galactic events to their craftworld's advantage. As the 41st Millennium came to an end, however, the prophesised god of death began to stir, giving hope to some amongst the craftworlds, although others do not trust the Whispering God or his Reborn followers. Many craftworlds are concerned solely with survival, believing that their race is entering its final twilight age, but others hope to overcome their decline, defeat the dark god their ancestors created and rebuild the lost Aeldari empire, or die trying. To avoid falling prey to the same dark desires that ended their empire, the Craftworlders live a strictly regimented and disciplined existence, focusing their attentions on one "Path" of life at a time, such as scholar, artisan, Seer, or warrior. In Warhammer 40,000, the Asuryani, commonly referred to as Craftworld Aeldari or simply Craftworlders, are the principal faction of the Aeldari race, star-faring nomads who strive to avoid falling to the temptations that doomed their race.ĭuring the dark days leading up to the Fall, many Aeldari heeded their seers' warnings and fled the murderous debaucheries of their home worlds to start new lives on vast, self-sufficient, conglomerate vessels known as craftworlds. Not sure if this is worth it or now.- Astropath D'Reyx, psychic reading of Eldar artifact Ynnari was what I was originally migrating too, but this would preclude me from taking the new vigilus campaign detachment. My guardian blobs would also be more effective, although Iyanden helps their staying power so probably a wash there. Ulthwe was also a decent choice for tougher wraithguard/blades, as their craftword bonus actually affects them, and it allows me to take Eldrad.

ulthwe wraithguard awaken realms

The new wraith host formation would help even more with this. That said, the relic is an amazing power boost for wraithblades. Iyanden is the classic obviously, but it had never done much for wraithguard/blades outside the relic. My question is, what is, generally, the best setup for taking multiple units of wraithguard/blades?

ulthwe wraithguard awaken realms

Currently, I'm looking at shelving my Wraithlords, but still want to run several squads of wraithguard/blades in serpents. I've built my Eldar collection up a bit more and am looking to visit them again, but it appears we have a lot more options now.

ulthwe wraithguard awaken realms

I have a wraith army I played a lot at the beginning of 8th, CA2017 threw my points off and I ended up shelving it for the time being.

Ulthwe wraithguard awaken realms